Monday, April 11, 2011


So, I've thought a lot about it. I suppose I made this blog with the intention for it to be family friendly, so people can come look at my artwork in a nice, trusting environment, whatever. But that's just not who I am anymore.

Here's a still life of some fabric
that I drew with charcoal back in 2007.
Original is 27x34 or something.
Sure, I'm a nice person. I won't steal your kid's lollipop and I won't tell you how that blockbuster movie ends even though it is o-so tempting (everybody dies), but you know, I thoroughly enjoy (to use Patrick Star's terminology) "sentence enhancers." I use them. I do. I like spicy sentence sandwiches. So when I start whipping them out, because I will, don't be all surprised and shit. Oh see! There's one now!

I'm happier without the filter. A blog is supposed to be an expression of oneself, yes? So mine shall be.

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